Subject leader: Miss A Beet/ Miss Aimee Swaby
The Curriculum at Holme upon Spalding Moor Primary School
The Intent, implementation and Impact of our Curriculum – of PSHE
AT Holme Upon Spalding Moor Primary School, PSHE is at the core of what we do and enables our children to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the ‘whole child’ intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually.
PSHE is taught across the school from Reception – Year 6 on a weekly basis and as a school, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme. Our PSHE curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.
With an ever-changing society, we are able to provide our children with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and support them in playing a positive role in contributing to the school and the wider community. Weaving throughout the heart of our PSHE teaching, is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core values of respect, honesty, responsibility, forgiveness, gratefulness and hope.
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school mission statement ‘Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.’ We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.
Jigsaw PSHE directs our aim on developing ‘every child’ through an in-depth curriculum approach to developing knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of:
In reception, in addition to following the Jigsaw PSHE scheme, PSED (personal, social and emotional development) is accessed through the EYFS framework. The children learn how to self-regulate, manage themselves and build relationships. PSED is one of the prime areas of learning in the EYFS.