
Governors – Who’s Who     



Click here: More about the Governing Body to meet the Governors.


Our Governing Body brings together a group of people who have a wide range of different skills and interests. We see our role as to actively support, encourage, monitor and challenge the school staff and children. Our desire is to see children develop into well rounded young people while they are in our care. 


To achieve these aims governors are encouraged to participate in the broad life of the school, and individual governors take on responsibilities for particular aspects of school life. Also very key to the working of our Governing Body are a number of committees which meet on a termly basis to evaluate and challenge. Each school governor will normally actively participate on two of these committees.


In addition to a number of statutory committees the main functional committees of our Governing Body are as follows:

  • The Curriculum Committee has oversight of the curriculum and the way in which the educational aims are fulfilled. Key functions of this committee are the setting of educational policies and the monitoring of the way children with Special Education Needs are progressing.
  • The Pupil Progress Committee monitors the progress and attainment of pupils throughout the school. This Committee looks at national published data as well as the regular assessment data produced by the teaching staff. This Committee also monitors the performance of vulnerable groups and pays particular attention to the impact of the Pupil Premium grant.
  • The Resources Committee has oversight of all financial matters on behalf of the full Governing Body, although it's key decisions must be approved by the Governing Body as a whole. This Committee monitors that funding is used effectively and for the purposes which it has been awarded. The Committee also regularly reviews the staffing structure to ensure that the education aims can be achieved. The Resources Committee keeps all matters concerning the fabric of the school under review, including issues of health and safety in their broadest sense. In spite of the tight financial constraints we are delighted that the fabric of the school remains generally excellent and that we have been able to help the environment by installing solar panels.
  • The Pay and Performance Committee deals with all aspects of staff pay and performance, including the Headteacher. As well as formally approving individual staff reviews this committee also sets the key pay and performance policies and procedures and targets.


The full HOSM Governing Body meets at least once a term – more often if issues require it. Usually we set aside the first 30 minutes of such meetings for a briefing on a particular topic which is relevant to Governors. In recent times this has included a special presentation on sustainability, an update on the use of ICT in classes at the school, details of the new National Curriculum, the new SEN Code of Practice, and an update on the Ofsted framework.   


We have a very capable Governing Body comprising a good mix of people who have long service and experience together with relatively new governors who bring fresh insights. All are dedicated to see the school provide the best possible environment for the children and are committed to "make a positive difference".


Governor Responsibilities


Governors – Who’s Who     



Click here: More about the Governing Body to meet the Governors.


Our Governing Body brings together a group of people who have a wide range of different skills and interests. We see our role as to actively support, encourage, monitor and challenge the school staff and children. Our desire is to see children develop into well rounded young people while they are in our care. 


To achieve these aims governors are encouraged to participate in the broad life of the school, and individual governors take on responsibilities for particular aspects of school life. Also very key to the working of our Governing Body are a number of committees which meet on a termly basis to evaluate and challenge. Each school governor will normally actively participate on two of these committees.


In addition to a number of statutory committees the main functional committees of our Governing Body are as follows:

  • The Curriculum Committee has oversight of the curriculum and the way in which the educational aims are fulfilled. Key functions of this committee are the setting of educational policies and the monitoring of the way children with Special Education Needs are progressing.
  • The Pupil Progress Committee monitors the progress and attainment of pupils throughout the school. This Committee looks at national published data as well as the regular assessment data produced by the teaching staff. This Committee also monitors the performance of vulnerable groups and pays particular attention to the impact of the Pupil Premium grant.
  • The Resources Committee has oversight of all financial matters on behalf of the full Governing Body, although it's key decisions must be approved by the Governing Body as a whole. This Committee monitors that funding is used effectively and for the purposes which it has been awarded. The Committee also regularly reviews the staffing structure to ensure that the education aims can be achieved. The Resources Committee keeps all matters concerning the fabric of the school under review, including issues of health and safety in their broadest sense. In spite of the tight financial constraints we are delighted that the fabric of the school remains generally excellent and that we have been able to help the environment by installing solar panels.
  • The Pay and Performance Committee deals with all aspects of staff pay and performance, including the Headteacher. As well as formally approving individual staff reviews this committee also sets the key pay and performance policies and procedures and targets.


The full HOSM Governing Body meets at least once a term – more often if issues require it. Usually we set aside the first 30 minutes of such meetings for a briefing on a particular topic which is relevant to Governors. In recent times this has included a special presentation on sustainability, an update on the use of ICT in classes at the school, details of the new National Curriculum, the new SEN Code of Practice, and an update on the Ofsted framework.   


We have a very capable Governing Body comprising a good mix of people who have long service and experience together with relatively new governors who bring fresh insights. All are dedicated to see the school provide the best possible environment for the children and are committed to "make a positive difference".


Governor Responsibilities
