We encourage all parents to support the uniform policy – we believe that a uniform looks smart and adds to the children’s sense of identity and belonging to the school. It plays a valuable role in contributing to our school’s ethos and it establishes an appropriate tone. Any items of clothing with the school logo on are available from The School Wear shop on High Street in the village.
All children should follow the uniform policy. We will send reminders to parents if any children persistently do not have the correct uniform.
Main uniform:
Sweatshirts - royal blue with logo (required)
Cardigans - royal blue with logo (required)
Polo shirt – white (with or without school logo)
Trousers – smart plain grey or black (not jogging bottoms or leggings)
Pinafore Dress – grey or black
Skirts – smart plain grey or black
Tights/socks -plain navy, grey, black or white (not over the knee socks)
In the summer months children may wear:
Shorts – smart plain grey or black (not cycling shorts, lycra shorts or hotpants) and their school polo shirt
Summer dress – blue/white check
Shoes – Plain black (not trainers and no open toed shoes or sandals)
PE Kit:
Polo shirt/T-shirt – plain white or with the school logo on (football shirts are not permitted)
P.E. Shorts – plain black or navy
PE tracksuit bottoms or leggings - plain black, navy or grey
Shoes - Plimsolls/Trainers (this must be a change of footwear in case these get muddy outside)
For health and safety reasons, jewellery is not permitted at school except a watch and single stud earrings. If your child has their ears pierced, we will allow them to wear single stud earrings. These must be taped up or removed by the child for P.E.
All uniform should be clearly named. Key Stage 1 and Foundation children must also have their shoes named please.
Make up and nail varnish (including toes) are not to be worn at school.
For health and safety reasons we ask that children with long hair have it tied up especially for DT or P.E. activities. We also encourage children to wear their hair tied back to limit the spread of head lice within school. Hair should be kept presentable and should not be dyed/coloured. Hair accessories should be kept to a minimum e.g. single hair bobbles or one hair band.
For diversity and religious beliefs, any adaptations to the school uniform for children will be done through discussion and at the Headteacher’s discretion.
This policy will be reviewed annually, during the summer term.
School Uniform can be purchased from Schoolwear which is based in the village.
Parents have the following options: