
Payments & Wraparound Care

Payments should be made online via

School Meal Information
School Dinners are £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week for children in Foundation Stage 1, and Years 3 - 6 .

Foundation Stage 2 and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) School Meals are Free

If you are on a low income or benefit then you may be entitled to 'Free School Meals'


Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club and After School Club

Please contact the school office to add an After School Club and/or Breakfast Club Payment Item to you child(ren)'s account(s) to enable you to make payments and bookings via ParentPay.

**Please note that your account  must  be in credit, or you must make a payment against either club, before you can make an online booking.

Breakfast Club: 

Cost is £3.00.

Times 7.30am to 8.45am - Children will be taken to their class teacher after the session has finished.

After School Club: 

Cost is £4.00 per hour which we have detailed below.

Children from Foundation Stage 2 to Year 6 are able to attend.

Price Bands:

3.30pm to 4.30pm = £ 4.00

3.30pm to 5.30pm = £ 8.00


**If you are late for the 5.30pm pick up there will be a £10.00 fee payable immediately to ERYC. Every additional 15 minutes you are late thereafter will incur a further £5.00 fee.

You will need a link code from the school office to allow you to use the online system.

Extended Day Policy

Extended Day Policy.pdf .pdf