
National School Sports Week (NSSW) - AT HOME!

National School Sports Week takes place in schools up and down the country in June every year and Holme on Spalding Moor Primary School always joins in with our week of Sports Days and other activities. 

June 2020 though is different. With many children learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is not possible to run sports days or other sporting activities.

However, the Youth Sport Trust (YST), who are a "children's charity working to ensure every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport," have created a super set of activity cards for parent and children to use at home. There is also a scoring card for children to record how they got on.

The activities are split into the following 5 sections:

Athletics (Track and Field)

Aiming Sports (throwing)

Team Sports (work with family members)

Adventure Sports

Artistic Sports

For a PDF document with all of the activities on, please click on YST Activities - at home below.

For a copy of the scorecard, please click on HOSM scorecard below. This is a Word document so it can be printed or completed digitally.

(click here for an example of how the scorecard can be completed)

We really hope as many children can take part as possible, even if they only do one activity.

We would love to see photographs of children trying out the activities and photos of completed score cards. These can be sent to Mr Fisher via the Class Dojo system.