The School Council exists to give our pupils a voice in the running and development of the school. Each class democratically votes for two members (usually one boy and one girl) to represent them on the council for a year.
Representatives bring the opinions of their classmates, either in written form or verbally, to council meetings.
These may be on ways to improve things in the school or on specific issues such as the development of the school grounds.
School Council representatives can also co-ordinate specific projects.
Minutes of meetings are taken and these are fed back to classes by the representatives.
Representative may also be invited to give views to other forums such as the Parish Council.
The School Council exists to give our pupils a voice in the running and development of the school. Each class democratically votes for two members (usually one boy and one girl) to represent them on the council for a year.
Representatives bring the opinions of their classmates, either in written form or verbally, to council meetings.
These may be on ways to improve things in the school or on specific issues such as the development of the school grounds.
School Council representatives can also co-ordinate specific projects.
Minutes of meetings are taken and these are fed back to classes by the representatives.
Representative may also be invited to give views to other forums such as the Parish Council.