During the lockdown period, one of the Purple Mash tasks for Year 3 and 4 children, 'Growing Up in Brazil' was to think of questions to ask Ludmilla, a 19 year old, who lived in Aracaju in North-East Brazil until she was 12, when she then moved to Hornsea. Twenty-nine different children completed the task and came up with a wide range of questions. Many children wanted to know the same things, so I broke the questions down into sections, which are separated in the videos below.
Part 1 - Language, Growing up in Brazil - Schools
Part 2 - Growing up in Brazil - Children's free time and hobbies, The Weather, Food and Drink
Part 3 - Customs and Traditions - Carnivals and Festivals, Rainforests and Animals
Part 4 - Aracaju, Money, Lu's views
When I asked Lu the questions, I also told her which children had asked the questions so listen out for your name if you completed the Purple Mash task!
Whilst you listen to Lu's answers, look at the questions about each video and see if you answer them.
I would just like to say a huge thank you to Lu for agreeing to do the interview and giving up so much of her time to help us learn more about Brazil - On behalf of all the children at Holme on Spalding Moor Primary School - "Obrigado!"
(You can make the video into full screen, by clicking the small square in the bottom right-hand corner of each video)
Part 1 - Language, Growing up in Brazil - schools
Part 2 - Growing up in Brazil, The Weather, Food and Drink
Part 3 - Customs and Traditions
Part 4 - Aracaju, Money, Lu's Views